About This Game Expect the ultimate B-Movie Trash experience! Don´t even dare to hope for state-of the art graphics, a proper balancing, professional voice acting or breathtaking script-writing. This here is 100% pure trash, an adventure / shooter hybrid with gazillions of bad jokes, dozens of pop culture references and a hidden, dense net of subversive, intelligent messages related to post-WWII-politics. Oh yes, you need a basic knowledge of pop culture to enjoy the game, and quite some education on politics to really love it, but who cares?Far more important is:We got boobies. We got hookers. We got Zombies. We got Nazis. We got even Nazi-Zombies!You`re Peter "Pete" O`Brannon, a Private Eye. Sounds fascinating? It isn`t, trust me - unless you find it exciting to hunt down cheating husbands and lost dogs while living of cheap Chinese food in shabby motels. THAT would be what Petes job is all about - but luckily for him, he has a good customer paying his bills. It`s GlobalSecure Inc., one of the biggest insurance companies on the East Coast. More exactly, it`s Samantha "Sam" Miller who runs their investigation department on insurance fraud. She`s tough, she`s intelligent, she`s better than Pete. By far better. But due to the companies Code of Conduct and some very nasty ethic rules, she`s prevented from taking, erm, "semi-legal" steps to gain essential information and proofs. That`s where Pete steps in - for 500 bucks per day + expenses + a nice 20% share of the money the company saves with whatever Pete finds out.Into the Dark is a playable B-Movie, a trash experience composed out of 60% humor, 30% horror and 10% technical flaws. Enjoy!11 Levels of pure madness15 different guns & weaponized itemsSoundtrack featuring Nox Arcana67 puzzles238 lovely clipping errors ²35 sophisticated AI bugs ²Guaranteed minimum of 10 crashes when playing through the game! ²168 additional glitches ²Play it as adventure, as shooter or as both!Explore the levels with your Oculus Rift Kit in VR!Optional Controller support (XboX and 360 Controllers work fine)Watch the full movie "Night of the living dead" ingame!Free Halloween Minigame - a new one each year!!² just kidding. and trolling. and partially true.Attention: Windows 8 users: As Windows 8 treats DarkBasic applications quite strange upon demanding large chunks of memory, we officially don´t support it. We have ran through the game on several Windows 8 systems, we have reports of many players beating the game on Windows 8, but we CANNOT guarantee it works on your side. Buy on own risk and RUN THE INTOTHEDARK EXE AS ADMINISTRATOR WITH COMPATIBILITY MODE WINDOWS 7 Memory Issues:[/b] Into the Dark calls large chunks of your primary 1.85Gig memory block. You may have to turn off FRAPS and Skype to have a proper trash experience, and sometimes you will have to reload an autosave to clear the memory. Refer to the troubleshooting guide for more information! 7aa9394dea Title: Into the Dark: Ultimate Trash EditionGenre: Action, Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Homegrown GamesPublisher:Homegrown GamesRelease Date: 1 May, 2014 Into The Dark: Ultimate Trash Edition Download Setup For Pc descargar into the dark ultimate trash edition. into the dark ultimate trash edition gameplay. into the dark ultimate trash edition download. into the dark ultimate trash edition прохождение. into the dark ultimate trash edition. into the dark ultimate trash edition скачать I truly wanted to enjoy this game. I tried from the start no less than 15 times. There is little ammo, it takes 10 or so shots to kill creatures and appears there is no mapping to increase kills for headshots etc. The close in combat is slow and cumbersome and not worth trying. All in all it looks like a funny game and well done if you can run away from everything and avoid shooting or hitting anything at all costs. Not my cup of tea, I have retried the first 5 minutes too many times. #18 Building Pineview: Hello!Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve managed to finish up the remaining dialogues and scenes, and the core of the game is now essentially complete! As promised in the last devlog, I’ve since begun work on adding new areas to the town named Pineview.Here’s a glimpse of one of those new areas: Aspen Street!These areas will also be populated with NPCs to talk to, and will have observable objects that add to the lore, history and myths of Pineview.Another couple of days and the new areas will be finished, after which I’ll begin connecting them to the rest of the game. After that, I’ll work on adding the diary/ journal mechanic and improving the UI!See you next time!-Armaan. Upcoming controls overhaul + Bugs fixed in v1.0.13b: Hi! Before getting to the bug fixes, I wanted to announce that I'm currently trying to figure out a reworked control scheme. Many people have suggested they'd rather the game was completely playable by mouse alone. My assumption was that WASD movement feels more immersive as it's something we're used to from third person/ first person action games, but it's quite obvious I was wrong! I'm not 100% sure this will work with the way the game is designed, but it's something I'll work on and let you know about it soon.Controller support will also be worked on. It's something I've wanted to add from the beginning, but a few issues have prevented its implementation. Here's a list of the latest bug fixes and improvements:1. Added Vsync.2. Removed the bugged NPC Anav from Central Street.3. Fixed a bug where it was possible to get stuck in a conversation with Brad during the second conversation.4. Fixed a bug where interaction with a phone on day 6 was sometimes disabled.5. Fixed an issue where sometimes Chris could appear in place of Michael in the Main Street after a particular flashback.-Armaan. FINAL 12 hours for the Rainswept Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign!!: Hello!The Rainswept Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign has reached its final 12 hours. If you’ve been holding off for the end of the campaign to support it, this is the time! :) The game is 27% funded now, and quite far from the required goal - let’s get that number up! Check the link here - http://www.rainsweptgame.com/By the way, did you know there’s official Rainswept merch available as a part of the campaign? Take a look! How about that coffee mug eh? ;)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVGuSqgay9wFinal day, everyone! Let’s make it happen! :)Love and thanks,Armaan. #9 How simple 2D lighting is being done using blend modes in Rainswept: As the name suggests, weather plays a major role in creating the atmosphere for Rainswept. It's usually raining in Pineview (obviously) but there are times when the sun manages to break through and bathe the hills and valleys in a magical orange glow. Not only is it pretty to look at, but the contrast between the weather conditions makes the player more aware of when it does rain. Here's a comparison between an overcast day and a clear evening, during sunset:You'd be surprised to learn how easily this effect is achieved! It basically just consists of putting a blue gradient over the scene, and setting its blend mode to "divide" - which is a built in feature in photoshop but requires a custom shader in Unity to implement (or an asset that does it for you - I use "Blend Mode Shader 2D") I'm not sure if this is pretty much how lighting effects have always been done for 2D games, but it's been exciting working this out on my own!A similar method is used for creating the interior lighting affected by the stained glass in the church as seen here:There are multiple layers at work here, but the main red and blue effect is created by using the following gradients (Red set to "Linear Dodge" and blue set to "Pin Light" blend modes)Pretty simple, yet effective, right? This method is used across the whole game to create a whole variety of effects, including the glare from the sun. Just a circular gradient can be used instead of creating dynamic light effects for a 2D game. It's a huge time saver, but looks pretty decent too!In this scene, multiple layers of lighting have been stacked (and given parallax) to create the glare from an early morning sun shining through the windows.(An animated gif of walking around in this scene can be seen here - https://imgur.com/a/1Y8ya )If we separate the layers out, this is what is seen:To show in greater detail how the layers are stacked on top of each other (and what blend modes have been used for each of them) you can take a look at this image:Using this method successfully comes down to trial and error, and a lot of experimentation. Multiple combinations of base color for the gradient, combined with one of the many (25 total) blend modes end up creating scenes and effects that I didn't even have in mind before starting out. It's a really exciting process, and I can't wait to see the different ways it'll continue to affect the visual style of Rainswept!See you next week :)-Armaan. Known issue with MacOS version: Update: The Mac version has been rolled back to v1.1.0, and should now be playable. The only thing missing from the newer version is Xbox 360 gamepad support.Original post:It's been reported that since v1.1.1, Rainswept for Mac crashes to desktop on launch. A fix is being worked on currently and should be up soon. Sorry for the frustration caused!-Armaan. "The Making of" Artbook now available, along with a Collector's Edition bundle!: Hi!Just wanted to let you know that the Rainswept artbook, that discusses the journey of making the game is out now! There's sketches, scribbles and I go into detail describing the inspirations for the game. Check it out here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1080880/The_Making_of_Rainswept__Artbook/You can also get the game, the soundtrack and the art book in a Collector's Edition bundle, for 15% off the combined cost here: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/10951/Rainswept_Collectors_Edition/Lastly, the game is 20% off for a week! This applies to the bundle as well.-Armaan. #3 Work begins on new levels!: Hi everyone!The past couple of weeks since the release of the demo have been quite busy, as they’ve mainly been spent responding to player feedback and working on releasing an updated version that dealt with most of the major bugs in the first release. After many months of creating the foundation and preparing the demo, it’s a pretty good feeling to cross that milestone and to finally start work on completely new content and new levels for the full game!Most of the days this week were spent working on two new levels: Mark’s cafe (interiors) (I particularly enjoyed creating the early morning cafe atmosphere!) and the police station’s conference room. I’m tempted to share screenshots, but I don’t want to give too much away either ;)So here’s an old piece of concept art that I stumbled upon; I’d completely forgotten about this one! Thought it was pretty decent so I replaced the old character art with the new ones (still not sure about that text’s positioning though, but oh well… "WIP") It’d work pretty well as a cover for the OST, don’t you think?I’ve also spent time thinking about and working out two ideas for the full game:1) A diary/ journal system - Important facts picked up during investigations will be noted down by the Detective in this diary, including his thoughts about suspects, locations, people and a possible timeline of events. There may also be a provision for the player to write their own custom notes so that they can jot down their own observations quickly (and feel like a real detective!)2) Ability to choose order of locations to be investigated - For each day in the story, the player will be able to choose which location they want to investigate/ suspect they want to interview etc instead of going through the day’s events in a linear fashion.See you next week!-Armaan. #15 Timelapse of a cloud being painted + some new screenshots: Hi there!I decided to record me painting a cloud that'll be used in Rainswept. Also, I love painting clouds.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIHNAOvjSnAHere's a couple of new screenshots from the game. Can't say much more without giving away spoilers!See you next time!-Armaan. #19 Diary system, new NPCs and expanded Pineview locations!: Hi!These updates have become slightly less frequent, but that’s mostly because development work has me completely absorbed + there’s been a lot of non - show-able work done over the past month.Here’s a shot of one of the new areas from Pineview:And here’s a wip preview of the diary. I’m still figuring out the best way to make this feature work!New NPCs have also been added to populate the new (and old) areas. Some of them will be fully fleshed out characters like the ones in the demo, while others will just speak their thoughts when you walk past them (as seen in the screenshot above) This is something I love from the Witcher games and decided to implement here :)I’ll spend the coming week working on the diary and the rest of the UI. Then it’s a bit more work on fleshing out the town, the npcs and making sure the game is complete - all to be done during October. Then I’ll get on to the polishing phase, adding music and more cinematic transitions and cutscenes!-Armaan
Into The Dark: Ultimate Trash Edition Download Setup For Pc
Updated: Mar 18, 2020