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Wars Across The World Download] [pack]


Updated: Mar 18, 2020

About This Game The WAW base pack, contains the game engine, the tutorial and 10 different scenarios (and can make use of all future DLCs and packs): HAMILKAR 264, the long First Punic War, the first Rome vs. Carthage war. HASTINGS 1066, opposing Normans, Vikings ands Saxons to claim the crown of England. SARATOGA 1777, the battle that changed the course of the War of Independence. WATERLOO 1815, the last epic campaign of Napoleon. BULL RUN 1861, the first grand battle of the American Civil War. MISSOURI 1861, depicting the fight to get control of this decisive western state. NORMANDIE 1944, the most famous landing operation on the beaches of France. BULGE 1944, the last German WW2 offensive in the west. SIX DAYS 1967, the six days war between Israel and its Arab neighbours. and BERLIN 1945, the fall of the Nazis against the Soviets. Note that if you already own on Steam some of the scenarios in the base pack, they will not be charged again.WAW is a unique strategy turn-based game concept, on a boardgame spirit, which aims at simulating in one single system ALL conflicts throughout the world (and beyond) from Prehistoric times to nowadays, from grand massive wars to asymmetrical conflicts. And it will work also on non-historical, alternate history, fantastic or SF titles. The key is the use of a single system of rules and situations which works in all cases. Why? Because we want players to learn rules only once, get confident and at ease with them, and then spend all their time with the titles in the collection in a speedy and effortless manner ... for example, the battle screen will be similar throughout the games, and thus will require almost no adaptation for enjoying it in a new game! Practically, a few minutes are required to read about the specific properties and content of a new scenario and you can jump right in!The Main Game Features includes:Game is turn-based, using the I GO U GO system, each player taking one side (sides involve sometimes more than one nation).The map is divided into numerous regions, with various terrains and sometimes structures (ports, fortresses, airports ...), and potentially sources of income when necessary.When maintenance and purchase of forces is needed, or to acquire new event cards, a simple income system is activated.Combat units may be from the land, naval or air domains. You will find different types, such as infantry, cavalry, artillery, guerrillas, submarines, flat tops, fighters, elephants, anti-aircraft batteries, etc ... All of which can be combined into different stacks for easy handling.Leaders are crucial in the game, as they have three main usages: first they give bonus to the base combat values of their stacks, second their morale values are use to check victory or defeat levels, and lastly they are necessary to launch attacks on the enemy.Two opposing stacks in the same region generate a battle, which is resolved in a semi-tactical way in two successive rounds. The game automatically calculates the various bonus and penalties of sides, their respective morale levels, allows for event cards play, and they each combat unit of each side shoots simultaneously (in most cases) at the enemy. Losses are taken in terms of hits and panics. The moral level of the initial army affected by the losses and panics suffered, which in turn may lead to rout, pursuit and breakthroughs.Multiple Events Cards packs are granted to each side, that they will use to influence all aspects of the game, such as alliances, income, movement, weather, leadership, number and quality of troops and finally many tactical aspects for the battles. This ensures both a real uncertainty in the game and a great replayability potential.  The scale changes according to scenarios. A ground combat unit could be only a simple battalion or a whole army. A region may represent a few square miles or a whole country. And similarly, a game turn could be just a few hours or up to many years! Game allows for coverage of different ‘spaces’ of play, such as land, sea, air or outer space…!  PLANNINGEach month, a new scenario will be released!   The WAW base pack, contains the game engine, the tutorial and 10 different scenarios (and can make use of all future DLCs and packs): HAMILKAR 264, the long First Punic War, the first Rome vs. Carthage war. HASTINGS 1066, opposing Normans, Vikings ands Saxons to claim the crown of England. SARATOGA 1777, the battle that changed the course of the War of Independence. WATERLOO 1815, the last epic campaign of Napoleon. BULL RUN 1861, the first grand battle of the American Civil War. MISSOURI 1861, depicting the fight to get control of this decisive western state. NORMANDIE 1944, the most famous landing operation on the beaches of France. BULGE 1944, the last German WW2 offensive in the west. SIX DAYS 1967, the six days war between Israel and its Arab neighbours. and BERLIN 1945, the fall of the Nazis against the Soviets. The Season 1 pack, is a DLC-only bundle with 10 of the first year (2017) releases of the WAW collections (extra to those of the base pack). A new Season pack will be created at the end of each year with that year's releases. Note that if you already own on Steam some of the scenarios in the Season 1 bundle pack, they will not be charged when you purchase the season pack.See more here : are given free access to the Game Editor. Just download it from here: Game Editor will allow you to customize your scenarios, as well as design new onesThis version is in solo mode and hot seat as well as in PBEM (Play-by-Email). 7aa9394dea Title: Wars Across The WorldGenre: Indie, StrategyDeveloper:StrategiaePublisher:Plug In DigitalFranchise:Plug In DigitalRelease Date: 4 May, 2017 Wars Across The World Download] [pack] wars across the world ios review. war of the world torrent magnet. wars across the world expanded edition. wars across the world finland 1918. wars across the world steam. wars across the world finland. wars across the world editor. wars across the world scenarios missing. wars across the world scenarios. wars across the world pc game. wars across the world android. civil wars across the world. wars across the world ipad. wars across the world ios. wars across the world igg. wars across the world mods. war of the world torrent download. wars across the world review. wars across the world skidrow. wars across the world forum. wars across the world dlc. wars across the world russian battles. wars across the world facebook. wars across the world test. wars across the world strategies. wars across the world manual. wars across the world russian battles *2018*. let's play wars across the world. wars across the world russian battles review. wars across the world youtube. wars across the world russian battles-plaza. wars across the world video game. wars across the world pc. wars across the world free download. wars across the world russian battles gameplay. wars across the world. wars across the world itune. wars across the world congo 1964. current wars across the world. wars across the world rules. wars across the world download History based simulation game like classic style board game with dice.You can experience famous warfare from Ancient Rome to Modern Warfare.You will get excited when throw dice or picking event cardsBut almost scenarios are provided by DLCsSo you have to choose what to buy. and think about Replayability. play as opposite force is interesting.歴史的対戦カードゲーム。サイコロを降って戦ういわゆるボードゲームを軸にしたものです。歴史上の出来事をベースにしたイベントカードによってデバフがかかるぞ。すっごーい。CiVとか好きならおすすめします。DLCメインなゲームですが、お得にするならバンドルで買いましょう。. Excellent Board \/ Card Game. One set of rules which are well produced and balanced allows you to play any war , battle or skirmish since the dawn of time ( and beyond ). Easy to learn with a new battle released monthly. Must for wargamers and BG, CG fans.8\\10. I'm a fan of the AGEOD games and this is that but somewhat more easy to digest, it plays a lot faster as well. The strategy is most definitely here and the possibility to create and play any type of Scenario from Ancient to Modern to Futuristic makes this a game to really treasure. The scenarios themselves are short and can be completed in under two hours in most cases. With that said I would have liked to see some bigger scenarios with longer turns (now it goes to max 25 turns I believe). In short the game plays like a boardgame, with phases, and card draws (it's among other things the cards that creates the ambiance of the scenario). Some scenarios let's you buy new units and replace lost troops. I've only scratched the surface but what I've seen I really like, on the lowest setting the AI is quite easy and I have yet to try the harder difficulties. Hopefully we'll soon be able to download player created scenarios and again hopefully the developers will start releasing larger scenarios. After all is said and done, I give this game two thumbs up!As a side note: I do not like the UI used, it's to large and seems to be made for touch more than keyboard and mouse, also I would like for the UI fonts to change depending on the scenario as a NATO UI does not sit well with Ancient Rome and Napoleon IMNSHO.. The tutorial is confusing. I never figured out some of the play concepts. This game is very simplistic, as each senerio is basically the same, even tho the titles for each war is different. Actually each war is a battle, not a campaign. For example you don't fight WWII, just the battle of the Buldge, or Normandy. Battles within the battle are settled with dice rolls, which makes for unrealisic results. Also charging for so many different senarios seems like were done to drain your wallet, not add any more depth to the play. If one can understand the game, it might be okay for some. I didn't want to risk loosing my chance for a refund, so have decided not to spend more time on it.. Email game if any one wants to play Very Cool Game.. I bought this game when it was published, and have most of the DLCs (Mac and windows version). It is a fascinating new concept - making an engine adaptable to conflicts in all mankind ages. It works. The engine rules adapt to almost any kind of conflict, from roman ages to modern times, it can handle air and naval warfare satisfactorily, with event and decision cards that provide key ingredients to simulate each specific context. Unfortunately the AI was sorely lacking in capabilities. But with the newest update, now finally the AI gives a good challenge. I am enjoying it, and can recommend this game to all strategy gamers. For sure, it can be classified as a beer-and-pretzels kind of game, but you can play any of a number of very fun and well designed scenarios in a few hours.The only criticism I have is the relatively high price of each DLC.... a fun strategy game. don't over extend your troops or they might get cut off from supply and perish . sometime your troops can't hit anything in battle . so don't always count on them in the fight without card support . keeping supply lines open wins the battle most times. Wish they had the more recent battles on steam like Sicily 1943 and Coral Sea 1942 . well worth the price. WaW is a good buy. I enjoy the diversity of the available scenarios. Most of these can be played in less than two hours. Many scenarios reflect asymmetric situations and are fun to play. Rules are easy to learn (provided you care enough about wargames to read them). Playing 2-3 games is enough to understand the mechanics of WaW but there will be a learning curve ahead, which is good.WaW' team has proved to be very reactive to players' appreciations.More than 150 hours already and I am eager to carry on and discover new battles/campaigns.WaW is not The ultimate wargame on WW2 or napoleonic wars or Civil war but all three can be played and much much more. WaW is a good and sound compromise, definitely worth your money and time.. Very happy now. The game was slightly expensive to start with so I bought the Expanded pack after the price was reduced. I found the tutorial pretty simple so I managed to play very quickly. I like the fact that as soon as you understand how to play with the tutorial or a first game, you can then play with any other scenario/conflict. I will ask them to create the battle of Agincourt ;-) Release of Morat 1476: In November, WAW revisits the Wars of Burgundy in the late 15th century with Morat 1476, the famous epic battle between the army of Charles the Bold and the Swiss’ pikemen phalanxes.You will command the modern and balanced, although smaller, Burgundian army, as well as the troops from its ally Savoy, to take control of the Duchy of Lorraine and then, possibly, of Switzerland. But the Helvetian cantons and their allies from the Holy Roman Empire won’t let you do that quietly and will mobilize their infantry-heavy forces to halt your expansion. In this scenario, the cards will show even more influence than usual (as you will have the funds to buy more than your usual allotment), in particular in the typical diplomatic intrigues and backstabbing of the era (among which the attitude of the devious French king Louis XI). Available tonight. Enjoy. Tigers of Malaya: This month's release takes you end of 1941 in Malaya. You will be able to re-live the epic campaign in the Malay peninsula, which saw Japanese forces led by general Yamashita (the Tiger of Malaya) smash the Allied defenses and in a swift and short campaign conquer the British stronghold of Singapore, the 'Gibraltar of the East'.As the Japanese you must take the base or fail...and as the Commonwealth CinC you must play a succesful delaying campaign with British, Malay, Australian, Indian and Dutch forces, and prevent the fall of the crown of the British Empire...and may be change the course of historyHave fun. Game Editor: Not sure the news made it beyond some discussions here and there. Just in case, for those interested, the Editor can be obtained from our website.Link: Editor runs in English (default) and French languages. A manual (in French) is available on demand (we're working on improving it). Videos explaining how to use it are being done right now and should be available in a month or so.. Quick Update: Today's update holds a few code fixes and improvements (text fixes, useless tooltips in battle removed, some unecessary retreat arrows removed), plus quick bug chasing on siege phase. Some setup and cards changes for Hastings1066 (addition of 16 new cards and units).Ongoing events improvements in Normandy1944 to help new players (Allied side, supply help - German side, reinfrocements) More this week. MAC version update on wednesday.. Content Update: Today we updated some content on a few scenarios, mostly languages additions or fixes, or game balance in some scenarios. Most important are:* German language added in Estonia 1918 scenario* Expanded scenarios: most game balance aspects reworked. In the expanded scenarios from now, the VP trigger deadline will be 30 or 40 VP, not 20* Some cards effects fixed.* Air AI fix for some scenarios* Overall improvement of AI "plans" in expanded scenarios.A more detailed announcement will be made on Wednesday, including the next game released this month.. Minor early August Quick Fix: ERSION: WAW 1.170809aDATE: 09/08/2017*** FIXES ***- (Siege) : Blockade rules was tested even if the structure wasn't a port, now this rule apply only on port- (Maintenance) : Fixed an error that disband planes for the rest of the game- (Loading) : Fixed a freeze that occured at AI turn- (Cards) : Fixed bug in application of recurring card effects that change the VP count of a Player- (Cards) : Fixed bug when destroyed railroads were not implemented- (Battle) Fixed issue where the last dice rolled during a battle was not displayed in Quick Dice mode if no hit or panic was inflicted. Website Updated: Hi All,Along with the recent code update that you probably noticed yesterday, we have also changed and redesigned the WAW website completely.Feel free to visit it and comment at https://waw-games.comThanks for your support. Release of Estonia 1918: Today, we are visiting the shores of the Baltic Sea in the end of 1918.The Balts are trying to gain independence, while the Soviet try to regain their hold on those former Russian lands and, at the Germans are preying on those lands to settle colonists and a vassal government. British and Finns will also join the frey, as well as White Russian forces...This is a 3-sides very dynamic conflict, and there can be only one winner in the end.Have fun. Release of Kavkaz 1804: This month's scenario release takes you to the Caucasus (Kavkaz in Russian), at the start of the Napoleonic Wars (1804).You will the troops sent by the Czar of Russia to occupy the various principalities (Khanates) in this mountaineous region and fight the regular and irregular forces of Persia under Shah Mirza (and his Ottoman allies), the overlord of the local tribes.Cards will show the influence of diplomacy (and the ongoing Franco-Russian war elsewhere) and also the frequently shifting alliances and loyalties in the region.Available tonight. Enjoy. Happy New Year 2018: We would like to present our best wishes for the new year 2018 to all our gentle users and friends.We shall give you more WAW games this year again, with a good dozen of new titles added to the collection, in all time periods and with unusual conflicts or long expected ones: among the list, Caesar campaigns in Gaul, British Empire wars, the Gulf War, a few 1918 conflicts (centenary celebration), Byzantium, WW2, warfare in Asia, and much more....We'll have a completely new website up in a few weeks, and with more community work presented there.We also plan to revise the whole offer and pricing in the coming weeks, where the initial package will be bigger and options to get season packs implemented, within the limits of what is possible here on Steam. Of course our initial supporters and users will receive some gifts and compensation from us as a reward for their initial support.We shall intrdoduce also extra features very soon, including the Play-by-Email functionality and a vastly improved IA.The collection will also go mobile in the first quarter of 2018.Thanks again for your support and enthousiasm, and we wish you ALL a wonderful new year 2018 !


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